What Is A Colonic?

A colonic, or colon hydrotherapy, is the gentle rinsing of the colon with warm water, to remove encrusted fecal matter, gas, and mucus. This allows better elimination of waste and toxins and better assimilation of vital nutrients, leaving you feeling rejuvenated and healthier. Colonics are a safe and gentle way to remove toxic waste that interferes with the body's natural processes that can contribute to pain, inflammation, and disease, including depression and anxiety, gas and bloating, arthritis and gout, weight gain, headaches, fatigue, body odor, skin problems, yeast infections, nail fungus, and more. Colonics can also help tone and reshape the colon.

Colon hydrotherapy involves the safe, gentle infusion of water into the colon via the rectum. No chemicals or drugs are involved and the entire therapy is both relaxing and effective. A healthy well-functioning bowel is essential for the maintenance of optimal health. This vital organ is one of the most neglected in the human body.

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What Are The Benefits?

The digestive system is designed to eliminate waste after each and every meal.

Really?! Yes! really!

Just think about it. What happens after you feed your baby or your dog? They go to the bathroom shortly after. Every living thing on the planet eliminates shortly after a meal. One in, one out. That is a sign of a healthy colon. Our modern day diets create residue that builds up in the colon. It is not uncommon to have 5-20 pounds of toxic waste putrefying in the colon!

Think about what happens if you let the trash pile up, it attracts microbes such as pathogenic bacteria, yeast, fungus, parasites, and other bugs (natures "cleaner uppers") which starts to rot and smell, and that is exactly what is happening in your body! Ick!

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How many colonics should I have?

3 recommended in a week as mini cleanse with dietary changes

More information will be posted shortly, as this website is a work in progress.

If you have specific questions, please do not hesitate to call us! Just click on the "Contact Us" link at the top of the page.

How long is a colonic?

Why some shorter, some longer. Especially in a series … first one longer

More information will be posted shortly, as this website is a work in progress.

If you have specific questions, please do not hesitate to call us! Just click on the "Contact Us" link at the top of the page.


Colon Hydrotherapy (a.k.a. colonic, colon cleansing and colonic irrigation) is a safe, effective method of removing waste from the large intestine, without the use of drugs.

Infusing filtered and temperature regulated water into the colon, the waste is softened and loosened, resulting in evacuation through natural peristalsis. The inflow of a small amount of water and the release of waste is repeated several times.

The removal of waste encourages better colon function and elimination. The specialized equipment ensures you an easy, odorless, and safe way of eliminating. Colon hydrotherapy is one of the most effective ways of cleansing the lower intestinal tract (colon) and detoxifying the overall system.